Difference between a Agreement and Covenant

As a copy editor with experience in SEO, I understand the importance of using the right words and phrases to make sure that the content is easily accessible to readers and search engines. In this article, we will explore the difference between two commonly used legal terms, agreement, and covenant.

An agreement is a legally binding document or verbal understanding between two or more parties. It is an arrangement where the involved parties may agree to do or not to do something, with mutual obligations and responsibilities. Often agreements are based on the exchange of promises, and these promises are enforceable by law.

On the other hand, a covenant is a more specific type of agreement. It is an agreement or promise that is typically related to a more significant or long-lasting arrangement or relationship. A covenant is usually included in legal contracts and is used to define the responsibilities and roles of the parties involved.

Covenants can be either positive or negative. A positive covenant is a promise to do something, like to maintain a property, while a negative covenant is a promise not to do something, like not to alter the exterior of a building without permission.

Agreements are generally less formal and binding than covenants. They are often used for short-term arrangements, such as buying a product or service, while covenants are used to protect long-term interests, such as the maintenance of a property or the rights of the parties involved.

Additionally, agreements can be oral or written, while covenants are almost always written and included in legal documents, such as contracts or deeds.

In conclusion, agreements and covenants are two distinct legal terms used in the context of binding agreements between parties. While agreements are less formal and binding, covenants are more specific and enforceable. When drafting legal documents, it is crucial to understand the distinction between these terms to ensure that the documents accurately reflect the interests and responsibilities of the parties involved.